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Newly Certified Event Designers announced by University of Amsterdam, Event Model Generation and MPI

The Event Design Certificate (EDC) Program, a six months Design Thinking for Events certificate by Event Model Generation, University of Amsterdam and Meeting Professionals International announce newly Certified Event Designers.

The EDC Class of August 2016 were to submit a successful case study to obtain their certificate of achievement 6 months after participating in the program at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.


The EDC graduates and Certified Event Designers that may use the CED designation are (in alphabetical order) :

Angeles MORENO, CED – Madrid, Spain

Claudia VAN ‘T HULLENAAR, CED – Köln, Germany

Krzysztof CELUCH Ph.D. CMM, CITE, CIS, HMCC, CED – Warsaw Poland

Majeed AL MAJID, CED  – Bahrain

Mariana CAMARDELLI, CED – São Paulo, Brasil

Myriam GOMEZ, CED – Geneva, Switzerland

Tahira ENDEAN, CMP, DES, CED – Vancouver, Canada

“”Having analysed in detail full offer of education within our industry (trainings like: ROI, Meeting Design, CMM, CMP, etc) I believe EDC is the most complete and interesting offer to learn how to have a methodology for the event design and share it with all event stakeholders. And the only one with a method, several tools and resources focused in understanding how to change behaviour.“” according to Angeles Moreno.

Myriam Gomez, CED from Geneva Switzerland:  “The methodology is great and the way the course is designed with a hands-on part but also some additional theory at the end is, in my view, very effective. As well having to complete an event design on our own (with coaching available) is a guarantee to ensure the use and application of what has been learned. I like also the way we all become a team and can share our experience and work on the Mural platform. Really a good instructional design and excellent experience for me!

Having experienced organising events where stakeholder objectives were quite divergent I am thrilled to have learned a methodology that analyses stakeholders views, clearly articulates their objectives for the event and stimulates creativity to design events that matter!”

Besides the EDC programmes in San Diego from 12-14 January 2017 at San Diego State University and the EDC programme at the University of Amsterdam 31 Aug – 2 Sep 2017 an additional programme will be held in Toronto, Canada from 19-21 August 2017.

CONGRATULATIONS CED graduates  image available for download at:

Photo Event Designer Certificate Class of Aug 2016 University of Amsterdam

for the full list of CED – Certified Event Designers click HERE

Participants reflect on their participation in the EDC programme.


Mariana Camardelli

“Event Design in the EDC program gave me the tools I needed to explain to my students and clients the importance of the design process. The tools and the methodology are so well aligned and designed that I now know how to make it happen. I’m ready to start transforming the way we design events!”

Mariana Camardelli – São Paulo, Brasil







Majeed Al Majid

“I would highly recommend this course to my colleagues at the Events Department as its a completely new way of designing and starting an event which I never knew about, and which makes you think of every single factor that would be needed to start an event starting from your stakeholders going through till exiting behavior and how to improve your event next time. Its not easy to start planning your event, with Event Canvas you would be able to engage the whole team in designing, brainstorming, and executing the event and create value out of every single event you design.”

Majeed Al Majid, CED – Bahrain 






Myriam Gomez

“The methodology is great and the way the course is designed with a hands-on part but also some additional theory at the end is, in my view, very effective. As well having to complete an event design on our own (with coaching available) is a guarantee to ensure the use and application of what has been learned. I like also the way we all become a team and can share our experience and work on the Mural platform. Really a good instructional design and excellent experience for me!

Having experienced organising events where stakeholder objectives were quite divergent I am thrilled to have learned a methodology that analyses stakeholders views, clearly articulates their objectives for the event and stimulates creativity to design events that matter!”

Myriam Gomez, CED – Geneva, Switzerland





Claudia van ‘t Hullenaar

“If you are interested to increase value for an event, want to tackle this systematically taking the stakeholder’s perspective into account, map this to your desired business outcomes, then the Event Canvas methodology will provide you with new but easy to use and logical approach of how to look at events supporting organization’s strategic goals.”

Claudia van ‘t Hullenaar, CED – Köln, Germany 







Angeles Moreno

“Having analysed in detail full offer of education within our industry (trainings like: ROI, Meeting Design, CMM, CMP, etc) I believe EDC is the most complete and interesting offer to learn how to have a methodology for the event design and share it with all event stakeholders. And the only one with a method, several tools and resources focused in understanding how to change behaviour.“

Angeles Moreno, CED – Madrid, Spain







Tahira Endean

“The Event Canvas provides a system and the tools for organizations to plan more effective and measurable meetings, time and time again once the easy to learn process is put in place. It works because it makes sense, it is visual and it ties back to your stakeholders. A small investment at the outset will stand planners and events in good stead moving forward and I would recommend it to anyone in the business of meetings and events.”

Tahira Endean, CMP, DES, CED – Vancouver, Canada