MPI team uses the Event Design using the EventCanvas™ Methodology to redesign World Education Congress
The team at Meeting Professionals International, MPI has embraced the Event Design using the #EventCanvas™ methodology in September 2017. The design spark was initially lit when now Certified Event Designer Miranda Van Brück, CED, Program Director, Events for MPI took the lead in proposing this as a project during the Event Design Certificate Programme at the University of Amsterdam in August 2017.
Subsequently, Miranda took her ambitious prototypes from the EDC programme and got the endorsement from Paul van Deventer, President and CEO of MPI and Matthew Marcial, Vice President Education & Events, to get the full MPI team involved in the Event Design for MPI's pinnacle event.
In a series of design sprints, the team led by Certified Event Designers Miranda van Brück, CED and supported by Terri Breining, CMM, CMP, CED have analyzed and aligned the stakes of the various stakeholders, framed the design and then prototyped options for WEC. This led to multiple prototypes which were ultimately drilled down to one event design and a strong event narrative.
After validating the design with the Executive leadership of MPI and the Host Committee in Indianapolis, the full WEC18 team was now on the same page and ready to put the Event Design into practice.
The Event Design narrative was subsequently visualized by Dennis Luijer, Story Engagement Engineer of the Event Design Collective into the WEC18 #EventCanvas™ (click HERE to download) to enable everyone the share the narrative of the Event Design.
In addition to that Dennis has also detailed the Event Design steps taken and future steps to follow in a comprehensive Event Design WEC18 Baseline scrapbook (Click HERE to download).
WEC18 in Indy is a completely redesigned education and engagement program unlike anything they've done before. In an entirely new design setting, WEC18 will ignite new ideas and connect you with the people you need to meet. With this new format, MPI is taking risks so you don’t have to. Here's how they will do it:
Get a glympse of the Event Design using the #EventCanvas Methodology timeline in the Mural below:
#WEC18 Indianapolis by Ruud Janssen
You will be able to edit this mural.
MPI is keen to share their Event Design timeline and experience with you as well as the way in which the Event Design will be assessed by participants and stakeholders of the event whilst onsite. Check the video below on how you can contribute and become an Experience Experiment Test Pilot onsite at #WEC18 to consciously assess the Event Design and how the Experiences are working for you.
Download your Mission if you would like to contribute as a WEC18 Experience Experiment Test Pilot here:
Team Event Design Collective had an Event Design Room set up as well as multiple Event Design Sprints where small groups of stakeholders can participate in this event baseline.
Watch this space for more updates on how you can contribute and support MPI in building experiences that matter.
For more information on this Event Design by team MPI please connect with Miranda van Brück.
For more information on the Event Design Certificate Program or the Event Design using the #EventCanvas Methodology please contact Ruud Janssen or Roel Frissen